Every year Inktober and the prompting of artists friends seem to hit at just the right time. The regular rhythms of the fall tend to sap the vitality of my creative process. This year I continued a focus on imagery from my everyday, stay-at-home-mom life, pushing myself to see more of what is there. Path Colored pencil on paper Wander Pen on paper Constellation Mixed media on paper Ordinary Time Colored pencil on paper Reliable Felt tip pen on paper Piles Felt tip pen on paper Dream Pen on paper Spiderettes Mixed media on paper Begonia Pen on paper Fasten Mixed media on paper Bounce Mixed media on paper Rise Colored pencil on paper Knotted Colored pencil on paper
Eastertide is a season of the liturgical church calendar. It marks the 50 days after Easter up to Pentecost Sunday. My current and past church experience has not included a celebration of this season. A group of artists through Redeemer Community Arts, a group I help run at my church, wanted to explore the idea of a longer, sustained focus on the resurrection, time spent with his disciples, and ascension of Jesus and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. We participated in a retreat where we started a series of collaborative art pieces that we completed in the months afterwards. I am grateful to Claire Howell, Bailey Hughes, and Jacob Rowan for embarking on this project together. The Things That Make for Peace Kateri Gill & Jacob Rowan Mixed media on paper Children of the Day Kateri Gill & Bailey Hughes Mixed media on paper Subsume Kateri Gill, Bailey Hughes, and Jacob Rowan Mixed media on paper Breath of Life Bailey Hughes & Jacob Rowan Mixed media on paper Transc...